Slips, trips, and falls are the most common cause of accidents in the workplace, accounting for 40% of all major injuries reported, according to the HSE. They are also the most common cause of injury to the public. It follows that any commercial flooring should be as safe as possible. This obviously applies to commercial kitchen flooring where there is the constant additional danger of spills.
Among other things, Mr. Whiteware is in the business of providing commercial safety flooring for all types of businesses, not just catering. There is a fairly simple test for the safety or otherwise of commercial flooring called the Pendulum Test, which replicates the action of a heel stringing the floor. This produces a result on a sliding scale and the magic figure is 36. If the reading is below this, the floor is unsafe.
Mr. Whiteware can install safety flooring and commercial non-slip flooring in any premises. In commercial kitchens, commercial non-slip flooring or other safety flooring should be installed as a matter of course.